Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is more extensive than just advertisement. Being one of the most competitive agencies in the market, our aim is to turn down digital waste and fabricate logical yet measurable outcomes against different budgets. Moreover, Alestra is an intuition-driven and creative firm that assists businesses in breaking through the noise and understanding their customers.

Digital marketing services at alestra solutions

Our Vision

Alestra’s vision is to provide leadership in services of digital marketing as our success rests in progressing your business and setting new standards of professionalism & existence.

Alestra intends to provide full-scale cross-media solutions for e-commerce, publishers, advertising, and marketers.

Alestra strives to prolong strong allies with businesses and brands for their success, as we have assembled diverse clientry operating in different fields and economies.

Our Services

on-page SEO, off-page SEO and technical SEO
Search Engine Optimization

inbounds and out bounds email, professional emails
Email Marketing

Marketing through Facebook, Instagram and other social channels
Social Media Marketing

Marketing through content
Content Marketing

Market the app in app store or play store
App Store Optimization

Business earning through online platforms

Our Portfolio


What Our Clients Say

Most Popular Questions

Definitely, digital marketing is very beneficial for your business as it helps you to reach your target audience in a measurable and cost-effective way.  The presence of digital marketing is expected from all reputable businesses, so if you do not use the platform of digital marketing it can actually harm your business.

Digital marketing has completely changed the way consumers carry out communication with businesses. As digital marketing increases the accessibility to customers and through different platforms relationships can be developed with them. Digital marketing helps both in obtaining more leads and in helping you to save money.

In order to measure success different metrics can be used such as customers, traffic, and leads. You can even understand the reach of your social media by counting the number of fans or followers. There is a definite bottom line that can help in determining its success such as how many people have accessed your sites, and how many of them become qualified leads and convert to your customers.

You must be aware of the fact that social media marketing is never free. There is always a cost to outsourcing marketing from a firm, hiring employees for social media marketing, or asking employees to add it to their workload. The main concern in social media marketing is to get maximum ROI out of the money, time, and efforts you put into an int. It is significant to be aware of the fact that only mean revenue is not included in the ROI but it also includes other objectives such as boosting customer satisfaction, increasing email subscriptions, and getting new leads. The end result of ROI is dependent on the social media strategy you are using.

Your presence on social media is dependent on the customers you are targeting as different businesses possess different audiences. Some target audiences prefer to engage on LinkedIn and others spend most of their time on Facebook. You need to find out your customers and must increase your presence on platforms with a maximum targeted audience.

It is always been a good idea to try new things or platforms for marketing. On Reels and Tiktok videos mostly younger audiences get engaged which increases your opportunity to get your brand name to flourish on different channels.

We provide unlimited revisions until the client gets satisfied with our provided work. The satisfaction of clients is our top priority.

Facebook Page Likes

There has been a noticeable improvement in the number of likes on our Facebook page compared to last month. In the previous month, we had a total of 70% likes, which has significantly increased to 93% this month. Our page has gained a total of 2,850 likes, and we have had a total of 6,790 page visits.

Facebook Audience Overview

The Facebook audience is diverse and can be differentiated based on both gender and age. As time progresses, the concentration ratio of the audience is increasing. It's worth noting that 52% of our target audience is from the United States, making it the largest audience group, whereas only 12% come from Australia, which is the smallest audience group.